
DET805 Διαδραστικός Σχεδιασμός (Interaction Design)

The field of interactive design concerns all aspects of the way in which aspects of the operation of an interactive product. Interactive design is integrated into the overall design of a product from the very beginning, for optimisation of the functionality part of the product from the user experience. The interaction designer demonstrates a strong knowledge of heuristics when designing intuitive interfaces. Additional skills are also required in communication, design and communication management, cognitive psychology, computer science and information technology.

The course uses the Justinmind Prototyping Tool for the creation of the prototypes, as part of the coursework.

Follow the instructions to download and use the Justinmind software:

Download the trial program from website

Click on the Download Free button

Create an account in Justinmind using your institutional email address

Download and Install the program (Windows or Mac option)

Send a request to the course instructor to add you to the class

DET804 Επιχειρηματική Ευφυία (Business Intelligence)

One cannot manage a business or run an organization without measurement: knowing where you have been, where you are and where you are going. However, while Business Intelligence is the key enabler for such quantitative business management, it remains one of the most complex areas of information technology. Business Intelligence encompasses a wide range of expertise from the technical mastery of creating data models to the psychological finesse of resolving conflicts between technocrats and business people.

DET705 Ανάλυση και Σχεδιασμός Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων Ι (Information Systems Analysis and Design I)

Information Systems Analysis and Design consists of methods for studying and understanding aspects of the real world that should be captured and represented in an information system.

DET704 Χρηστικότητα και Επικοινωνία Ανθρώπου-Υπολογιστή (Usability and Human-Computer Interaction)

This course studies human-computer interaction and in particular the design, development, specification and evaluation of computer systems that interact with their users, as well as the basic principles of usability. User-computer interaction is an important topic of research and education in management science and technology, since users are the main targets of intelligent public service systems.

Course Procedure

1. The course requires physical presence

2. The course is examined through a combination of examinations (mid-term and final) and assignments during each semester.

3. Assignments involve students in prototype design and peer review. Students are graded for both design and peer review.

4. Assignments and evaluation will be turned in and presented on a specific date. After the due date, they will receive a reduced grade.

The course uses the Justinmind Prototyping Tool for the creation of the prototypes, as part of the coursework.

Follow the instructions to download and use the Justinmind software:

Download the trial program from website

Click on the Download Free button

Create an account in Justinmind using your institutional email address

Download and Install the program (Windows or Mac option)

Send a request to the course instructor to add you to the class